【家电焦点】REDMI K80全系大满贯2K屏,全亮度DC
REDMI K80这次全系标配大满贯2K屏,联合TCL华星定制全新M9发光材料,全局激发亮度1800nits,与小米15同款。 不仅显示素质拉满,还打造了顶级护眼规格。 全新升级了全亮度DC+圆偏振光+AON智感护眼,软... [详细]
REDMI K80这次全系标配大满贯2K屏,联合TCL华星定制全新M9发光材料,全局激发亮度1800nits,与小米15同款。 不仅显示素质拉满,还打造了顶级护眼规格。 全新升级了全亮度DC+圆偏振光+AON智感护眼,软... [详细]
2023年12月9日,顾家家居印度海外大店盛大开业,在印度市场推出首个“一体化整家”标杆店,该店系顾家家居携手当地运营超10年的核心经销商联合呈现,采用大店模式,立足创新产品和前沿设计,以1:1... [详细]
瓜斯塔拉(Guastalla),2023年9月13日——博塔桑尼Bertazzoni正式进入意大利国家历史企业名录。继2022年庆祝成立140周年之后,这家自1882年起致力于生产厨房电器的意大利公司,为其悠久的卓越... [详细]
一屋两人,三餐四季,共同造就了一个叫做家的地方。在明媚的清晨,在慵懒的午后,伫立于方寸之间,每一处家居家电,都是生活态度和个人追求的真实写照。一台简雅法式的冰箱,兼具性能与美感,极致简约的白色搭配... [详细]
1月15日,居然智慧家人车家战略发布会暨居然智慧家东直门总店和通州旗舰店开业庆典顺利举办。发布会现场,居然之家集团董事长兼CEO汪林朋表示,当万物互联时代来临,智能家居就是家居行业的未来! 聚焦... [详细]
1月9日消息, 美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将在两周内宣誓就职。他曾承诺将对进口商品,特别是来自中国的商品,实施新一轮关税措施。
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In today’s high-performance industries, the demand for materials that combine strength, lightweight properties, and durability has never been greater. From aerospace to automotive, sports equipment t......
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At Carbon Fiber Global, we offer high-precision, 4mm Carbon Fiber Sheets tailored to meet the demands of industries that require accuracy, durability, and Lightweight Materials. With advanced customiz......
Carbon fiber sheets have revolutionized Aerospace Engineering, offering unparalleled advantages in weight reduction, strength, and design flexibility. As the aerospace industry increasingly seeks to e......
As drones become increasingly integral to various industries—from aerial photography and surveying to agriculture and defense—precision engineering plays a critical role in ensuring that UAVs (Unman......
Elevate your supermarket's merchandising game with Custom Retail Cardboard Floor Display Stands designed for food items such as potato chips, coffee beans, and chocolates, brought to you by PackManuf......
Maximize your retail space with our Cardboard Display Rack, a practical and stylish solution designed to enhance product visibility. This supermarket cardboard holder shelf is perfect for showcasing ......
In the fast-paced world of Drone Technology, innovation is the key to staying ahead of the competition. Customized Carbon Fiber Sheets have emerged as the ultimate material for revolutionizing drone d......
The rise of drones across industries has revolutionized operations, from logistics and aerial photography to surveillance and agricultural monitoring. To maximize efficiency and performance, manufactu......
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Carbon Fiber Sheets has extremely high strength, light weight, with shiny and clear appearance, widely used for many fields. Customized thic......
Customize any sizes and any shapes as your requirements
Carbon Fiber Sheets has extremely high strength, light weight, with shiny and clear appearance, widely used for many fields. Customized thick......
11月26日,REDMI K80新品发布会再度预热新品,这次公布了米家空调Pro的配置。米家空调Pro作为全新一代立式空调,飓风动力全面升级,匹配1752m/h超大风量,3分钟全屋速冷暖;支持115°超大广角,40㎡大空间舒适全覆盖......